Talk to your Children

I have strong feelings about many things.  Not that I am right about any of them, but we all the right to our opinions.  It is said that we love our children unconditionally and they love us the same way.  Is this true? In many families, yes this is true but that does not mean that there are things you can do to improve your relationship with your children.

Now that we are in our fifties, most of our children are young adults.  My three are all in their twenties. They are living their lives and are very busy as your children probably are also.  I believe in the little things like the power of something so simple as spending ten minutes talking with your child each day if they still live with you.    “How was your day?”, “What did you do last night?” These are simple questions that develop little bonds of connection between the two of you.  

I can hear you now.  “My kid doesn’t want to talk to me, they are much too busy.  All they care about is their phone.” Au Contraire, they want so bad for you to interact even if they don’t know it.   Perhaps you haven’t had a simple and honest conversation in a while. It is easy for us at any age to forget about the importance of regular interaction.  It is never too late to reach out.

When I see my kids I make a habit of listening a great deal more than I talk. “How is work going?  What projects are you working on? What is your Boss like?” My parents loved me and my bother and sisters but they didn’t say much that I remember.  I know my Dad was often preoccupied with work and my Mom burned a lot of energy trying to organize everything in her life.

Take a minute today or tonight to call your children and just say hi.   Maybe they will be slightly annoyed but just tell them you were thinking of them.  Call them again next week. If your child doesn’t respond right away, don’t give up.   Be persistent. That persistence is your love reaching out to them. The act of reaching out with rub off on them and before you know it you will be hearing from them.